–        Simple sentence ;

Kalimat ini dipergunakan untuk menuangkan informasi ringkas yang bersifat sederhana. Disebut simple sentence karena kalimat hanya memiliki elemen serba satu: satu subject dan satu predicate, serta satu object. Di dalam kalimat ini tidak ada kata penghubung (conjunction) dalam bentuk apapun.


Contoh kalimat simple sentence :

Keisha usually gets up early. She helps her mother in the kitchen. She washes the dishes. Then she cleans the floor. After that, she takes a bath.Then, she eats breakfast.


–        Compound sentence ;

Compound sentence adalah pengabungan dan peringkasan dua atau lebih  simple entence  menjadi satu dengan mengunakan kata gabung: and, but, atau or.

Contoh kalimat compound sentence :

Contoh kalimat compound

Simple sentence

Compound sentence
– Keisha usually gets up early

– Cardila usually gets up early


– Cardila helps her mother in  the kitchen.

–   Keisha sweeps the yard

Castella can take an English class on Monday

Castella can also take an English class on Wednesday

Keisha and cardila usually get up early



Cardila helps her mother in the kitchen but Keisha sweeps the yard


Castella can take an English on Monday or Wednesday



–        Complex sentence

Kalimat kompleks pada dasarnya adalah kalimat yang sudah memiliki anak. Anak kalimat tersebut diperlukan untuk menambah kejelasan elemen subject atau object kalimat. Anak kalimat juga dipergunakan untuk menambah kejelasan pesan yang tertuang di dalam kalimat secara utuh.Complex sentence dapat juga dikatakan sebagai kombinasi antara induk kalimat (main clause) dengan 1 anak kalimat (subclause) anak kalimat tersebut dapat berupa (1) adverb clause dan (2) adjective clause.

Contoh kalimat Complex sentence :

  • Adverb Clause | Verb Clause
  • Because of the rain, | the museum cancelled the picnic.
  • Although she studied all weekend, | she still failed the test.
  • Verb Clause | Adverb Clause
  • I will join you for lunch | after I wash my hands.
  • Linus will be sad | if he misses the Great Pumpkin again.
  • Adverb Clause | Verb Clause | Adverb Clause
  • Even though he enjoyed the movie, | he will not buy the DVD | because he only watches films once.
  • After she left work, | the woman stopped at the store | before she went home.



–        Compound Complex Sentence

Kalimat yang keempat adalah pengabungan antara dua atau lebih klausa bebas dan satu atau lebih klausa terikat. Dengan kata lain, Kalimat compound-complex adalah kombinasi satu atau lebih kalimat compound dan satu atau lebih kalimat  complex.

Contoh kalimat Compound Complex Sentence :

  • Verb Clause | Adverb Clause | Conjunction | Verb Clause
  • He went to the market | because he needed more milk, | and | then he made pudding.
  • Adverb Clause | Verb Clause | Conjunction | Verb Clause
  • Unless the coffee is hot, | I will not drink it, | so | please put on a fresh pot.
  • Verb Clause | Adverb Clause | Conjunction | Verb Clause | Adverb Clause
  • I went to the bathroom | before I sat down, | but | my husband visited the facilities | after he watched the movie.


By agusmansusandri

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